Hello Fellas! This is My Journal Blog. Wdyt? i just write what i want, what i think, and what i feel. don't be spamming and copycaat! thnks!

Count Hits
Petsmart Pet Store

Friday, December 12, 2008

yeay lgy dapet award nih asikkk :)

sekarang gue lgy dapat award dri dinda ma dd dhey sayong !

okey di mulai now !

inilah AWARD ku dri DINDA taraaaaa !!!

thank you banget din ! bener bener deh

Rulesnya harus di patuhi ! :)
1.I give the award required to write their love story that made them new. these rules must be obeyed.

mencintai orang itu sangat gampang menurut gue . gue mencintai diri gue , temen* gue,my love, femely,and you . gue mencintai diri gue sendiri termasuk hal byasa . mencintai temand memang bener* wajib bagi semua umat manusia.mencintai pacarmu emng sih ga' wajib banget bagi gue . mecintai fam lo emng sudah wajib jugaa gue mencintai fam karenaa bener-bener darah daging gue . emng pacaran ga' wajib bagy setiap orang gue aj baru berumur 12 tahunn loooooooooooohh (mau 13 tahun malahan tanggal 6 januari siap* kadony buat gue yya ! hahaha
I give this award to make:
*neng najla *dd dhey (balik kasih) *farah * nindy . selamat buat lo lo pade yg dapat tp kudu patuhi rulesny !

award yang ke 2 dri

nih award dri dd dhey makasih yya !

rules award ini adalah :

1. Each blogger must post this rules -sipp !

2. You need to choose ten people to be awarded and list their names!-awkaayy , dd najla,dfarah -dinda--gaktau lagi-selamatt kerjainn yo ! !

3. Don't forget to leave them comment telling they've been tagged and read your blog!-okeeey HIPPO ! :)

thanks to DINDA AND DD DHEY ! see you soon !

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