Hello Fellas! This is My Journal Blog. Wdyt? i just write what i want, what i think, and what i feel. don't be spamming and copycaat! thnks!

Count Hits
Petsmart Pet Store

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Glad you came!

Thanks for coming into my life. I'm so glad you came. you make me smile in my days. you changed my gloomy life. I still remember when we first met. You flirt me, but i don't really care.untill you get my attention. You tell me that you love me. It's hard to believe in you. I heard how about your past, it's so pathetic. and you're become my future from start now.

Bukan hanya omongan semata, tapi tindakanlah yang lebih meyakinkan saya. terima kasih sudah mencoba dan berusaha. kamu telah berhasil :) 

07 January 2013
You flirt me. you were trying to get my attention. and you did. 

11 January 2013
You said that you have feelings. you tell me that you really love me. 

13 January 2013
I accept you to coming into my life. and i said that i love you too.

17 January 2013
You give me so much proofs.

From start now, i believe in you. Sandi Hardiansyah :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Resolusi tahun ini:
  1. Belajar lbh giat, dapat nilai yg lebih bagus lagi
  2. Ayah nepatin janjinya buat ngeberi HP baru, tentunya pengen samsung galaxy s3. amin
  3. Ibu nepatin janjinya buat ngeberi laptop.
  4. Makin disayaang sama semuanya<3 li="li">
  5. Makin ga cengeng
  6. Makin dewasa
  7. Makin cantik, biar justin bieber bisa  nyantol *eh ngimpi
  8. Bikin bangga orang tua atas apa yg telah aku raih
  9. Ganti frame kacamata
  10. Pulang ke bontang, ketemu sama temen lama dan keluarga
  11. Naik ke kelas 12
  12. Makin sayang sama kimia haha
  13. Makin sabar buat ngehadapi segalanya
Sepertinya cukup segitu aja, dan harapan tahun kemarin masih banyak yg belum tercapai. dan semoga dapat tercapai pada tahun ini.

Big Hug & Kisses