Hello Fellas! This is My Journal Blog. Wdyt? i just write what i want, what i think, and what i feel. don't be spamming and copycaat! thnks!

Count Hits
Petsmart Pet Store

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cinta yang benar


Menurutmu. orang yg kamu sayang sangat berarti bagi hidup Kamu. tanpa adanya orang yg kamu cinta & sayang, kamu ga ada apa-apanya. Lalu, jika orang yg kamu sayang menyuruh kamu untuk melakukan sesuatu hal buruk dan itu yg bakal merugikan diri kamu sendiri. apa kamu akan melakukan untuknya? atau kamu akal pergi meninggalkannya?

Jika, seseorang yg kamu cinta pergi meninggalkanmu padahal kamu telah memberikan segalanya apa yg dia butuhkan. apa kamu tetap mencintainya? apa kamu akan bertahan? cinta emang gila, rela melakukan apa saja demi orang yg kita cinta. kita buta segalanya, tak bisa berpikiran dengan logika. emang benar

"Cinta itu tergantung atas apa yg kamu pikiran, bukan apa yg kamu rasakan"

Mungkin, kau tak bisa menolak apa yg dia suruh. kamu merasa iba atau tidak tega jika melihat dia sedih karena kamu tak bisa melakukan apa yg dia mau. kamu hanya ingin membuat dia bahagia. oleh karena itu, kamu rela melakukan apa saja demi dia. tapi, seharusnya kamu bisa menolak dan menahannya. katakan padanya bahwa itu hal yg buruk dan tak bisa untuk kamu lakukan. untuk apa kau melakukan hal buruk? itu akan merugikan dirimu sendiri. tapi karena demi kebahagian orang kamu sayang. kamu rela memberikan segalanya, kamu rela menderita dan kamu rela kehilangan segalanya. yang penting orang yg kamu sayang itu BAHAGIA.

Kamu memang tulus mencintainya, kamu hanya ingin melihat dia bahagia dan kamu takkan membiarkannya sedih. kamu tak ingin orang yg kamu sayang menderita dan kamu rela menderita hanya karena dia. Cinta yg baik untukmu, takkan pernah menyuruhmu tuk melakukan sesuatu hal diluar batas. Percayalah, bahwa Pria yg baik adalah pria yg bisa menjagamu, bukan merusakmu.

Big Hug & Kisses 

Making a Fried Rice with Sausages


Happy Sunday guys! gue bingung mau bahas apa. bagusnya bahas apaan ya?. Oh iya gue tadi habis masak nasi goreng. gininih hasil nasi goreng buatan gue

This is it Fried Rice with Sausages by Raisa Queen *preeet

Kalo ditanya rasanya gimana, gue bilang ENAK. yaiyalah, gue gitu yg bikin. ini juga sih berkat Ridho. Gue tadi lagi lapar, gue malas bgt buat masak atau beli makanan diluar. tiba-tiba maag gue kambuh. terpaksa gue harus masak. Lalu, mba anis juga belum datang. Mba anis adalah orang yg setia mengabdi pergi dari rumahnya yg nan jauh disana datang kerumah gue. dia pandai memasak, membersihkan rumah, mencuci pakaian,dll.

Kenapa jadi ngomongin mba anis? haha let's back to our topic

Terus gue bingung tuh mau masak apaan. lalu ada ide muncul dikepala gue untuk membuat sesuatu makanan yang mungkin hampir semua orang sukai yaitu Nasi Goreng. kemudian waktu gue mau masak, gue langsung bingung bahannya apaan dan cara memasaknya gimana. gue langsung caw sms ke Ridho nanya bahannya apa aja. setelah dia balas sms gue, gue langsung buka kulkas. gue keluarin semua bahan yg gue butuhkan lalu gue letakkan di meja makan. gue ambil talenan, pisau dan cobek-an. gue kupas bawang putih dan bawang merah. lalu gue iris tipis-tipis dengan hati-hati takut tangan gue nanti keiris. nah karena menurut gue lebih enak di ulek bumbunya kecuali bawang merahnya. setelah semua bumbu sudah tersiapkan dan  nasi juga sudah. gue buru-buru nyiapin wajan dan spatula. gue nyalain kompor, gue tumis bumbunya terus masukkin deh nasinya. bodohnya gue lupa kasih telur yg seharusnya gue aduk bersama nasi goreng.

Gue kasih garam sama merica. tanpa ada takarannya berapa gue langsung masukkin, terus gue cobain. keasinan terus gue tambahin lagi nasi. and finally, si mba anis datang. langsung deh buru-buru tanya pas apa nggak rasanya. katanya mba anis pas bgt rasanya & enak. gue langsung seneng dan bangga ternyata gue berhasil masak nasi goreng pertama gue.

Gue ternyata bisa masak juga ya hahaha, padahal gue paling anti sama yg namanya dapur. gue kalo masak palingan terus sama masak air hehe. hitung-hitung tadi gue masak buat gede nanti. ya nggak? kok jadi mikir kesitu ya. tapi bagaimanapun, seorang wanita tuh harus bisa masak itu kata nenek gue sih. okaaay, time to say Goodbye. siyuu :D

Big Hug & Kisses

P.S (I'm still not over you) by Rihanna

"P.S. (I'm Still Not Over You)"

Whats up?
I know we haven't spoken for a while
But I was thinkin' about you
And it kinda made me smile
So many things to say
And I'll put em in a letter
Thought it might be easier
The words might come out better
How's your mother, how's your little brother?
Does he still look just like you?

So many things I wanna know the answers to
Wish I could press rewind
And rewrite every line
To the story of me and you

Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you

Excuse me, I really didn't mean to ramble on
But there's a lot of feelings that remain since you've been gone
I guess you thought that I would put it all behind me
But it seems there's always somethin right there to remind me
Like a silly joke, or somethin on the t.v.
Boy it aint easy
When I hear our song
I get that same old feeling

Wish I could press rewind
Turn back the hands of time
And I shouldn't be telling you

Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you

Did you know I kept all of your pictures
Don't have the strength to part with them yet
Oh no....
Tried to erase the way your kisses taste
But some things a girl can never forget

Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dear you

Dear You,
No more words can say how much I miss you and I love you. I can’t promise you forever but I want to promise loving you in every single day of my life. I don’t want to love anyone else. Only you. You will always be in my heart and in my mind. I will take good care of you. I will never hurt you. I hope you do too. But I know that hurting me will never happen again, because I trust you. I love you.

With love, Raisa

Dear you, 
I love you. i won't promise to feel this way forever. because i know it can change anytime. i just want you to know what i feel right now because i'm not sure if tomorrow i'd still feel this way. i don't want to keep this to myself and let the moment pass by. i just want to inform you that once in my life, i feel for you.

I'm just being honest to you and myself.
it's okay if you don't love me back.

Presently loving you,

And this's a long letter... check it out!

Dear you, 
I don’t even know where to begin with this. So I’ll begin with what kicked it off.
I’m flawed, I realize that. Everyone is flawed in one way or another. Some, like me, are more flawed than others. And you don’t try to ignore these flaws, or change them. You accept them and understand them. I realise now what it is…my flaws are like old scars, barely healed wounds and chinks in my armour. I’ve been battered and bruised before, left to pick up the pieces and put them back together. But my perspective is skewed and the pieces never fit back like they did.

You accept this, and put your hands over these chinks in my armour, protect me and understand that some of those things are raw. Wounds I’ve never dealt with. But with your help I will. The scar will remain but all I’ll see is your hand, gently holding mine and telling me that it’s all ok.

Because it is. I’ll never be perfect, no one ever is. But you’ve taken me, this timid old knight in his worn suit of armour, armour failing to hiding a fragile and scared woman inside of it - and really shown me what it is to be loved. I think that’s what people really mean when they say someone completes them…they don’t change them or ignore facets of their personality. They fill in the gaps with their own love and understanding. The parts of you that I keep inside me protect me where I’m most vulnerable by reminding me that I’m loved, no matter what.

Loving you, and being loved in return, is the greatest feeling I’ve ever had. You are all I’ve ever wanted. Someone to fight for me, to want my love. Someone who wants to be loved by me, who appreciates it for what it is - a massive leap of faith that I wanted to take with you. You have my heart now, it’s around your neck. It’s a crimson bauble, shimmering on your finger. And most importantly, it’s in your mind.

I’ve given myself completely and utterly to you. You could destroy me, shatter me and turn the pieces to dust. But I have complete faith in you that you won’t. Conversely, you can also build me up, make me a better person and help me find things about myself I never knew.

I realize nothing but my own actions will take you away from me. Nothing will take you away from me, you can only be pushed away. It terrifies me, the thought of me doing anything which does that. I’m sorry that sometimes I do the wrong thing, say the wrong thing, act rashly, speak to soon, assume the worst. All of these things and more. I kick myself everytime they happen, because I realise they’re the only things which will make me lose you.

I’d die without you. Like, I almost think that would literally happen. Nothing would ever compare to you, or the feeling you give me.

I love you. These words don’t do it justice. No words do it justice, and distance robs me of my ability to express it.You occupy my thoughts constantly.

Know that I’ll always love you, you’ve shown me wonderful things in the short time we’ve been together.

I love you.


B for best F for Friends

Ratna, Ima, Ulvi, dhewie, ira, yulinda, susy & ainun! lop yuu al! dari kalian gue tahu apa arti sahabat sebenarnya. the best moment i ever had is laughing out loud with them. senang bareng kalian, ketawa bareng kalian dan menangis bareng kalian. suka & duka kita lewati bersama. gue rasa, gue ga bakal nemuin sahabat kayak kalian. gue cuma mau bilang, gue sayang sama kalian.

Kalian selalu setia dengar curahan hati gue dan kalian selalu ngasih solusi. gue selalu mencoba untuk menjadi yg terbaik buat kalian. dan mencoba untuk membuat kalian bahagia seperti kalian yg membuatku bahagia. and once again, i love you all :)

Quote of The day

"If you live to be 100. i hope i live to be 100 minus 1 day, so i never have to live without you" - Winnie The Pooh

When i was little..


Well, gue sekarang sudah menginjak umur 15 tahun. yang bentar lagi di tahun depat tepatnya tanggal 6 januari gue bakal menginjak umur 16 tahun. sudah ga kerasa, gue sudah tumbuh besar & menginjak umur yang bentar lagi bakal dewasa. sweet seventeen yg gue nantikan, tapi masih lama deng. sayangnya tubuh ini tidak tumbuh dengan semestinya. umur gue bentar lagi nambah. dan berharap semoga tinggi gue juga tambah keatas lah. tapi ga tau deng nambah apa kagak. gue akuin, gue emang anak kurang gizi.

Gue kecil & kurus macam orang yg ga tumbuh besar. terus ya kalo dilihat-dilihat gue paling kecil diantara temen-temen gue. sudah suara gue paling cempreng, cerewet & nyebelin (mungkin). Gue masih inget waktu gue masih kecil yg ga tau apa-apa. waktu gue masih kecil gue cuma tau main, main & main. ga seperti skrg ini, gue sudah tumbuh besar. sudah hampir tau segalanya. ga ada yg bisa mencegah. semakin kita bertumbuh besar, semakin kita bertekad untuk mengetahui apa yg ada didunia ini.

Setelah gue besar, gue makin tau. gue tahu apa yg dulu waktu kecil gue tanyakan sama orang tua. dan orang tua gue bilang ke gue. gue bakal tau kalo gue sudah dewasa nanti. gue ga tau apa itu cinta, patah hati, hidup itu yg sebenarnya seperti apa. gue ga menyesali apa yg sudah terjadi didalam hidup gue. gue mencoba, bijak dan kuat ngehadapinya eaeaea. oh iya, kalo ditanya gue mau balik ke masa kecil gue. sih pengen bgt ya. seandainya saja doraemon dan mesin waktu ada. gue pengen minta ke doraemon pintu kemana saja. seperti mustahil bgt itu semua bakal ada. oke gue jadi ngeluh gini.

When i was little, i didn't know what is love
When i was little, i didn't ever feel broken heart
When i was little, i didn't face the problem in my life
When i was little, i just knew to play, play and play
When i was little, i didn't feel how difficult life is
When i was little, i didn't ever being insecure
When i was little, my parents always give me more protection and atttention
When i was little, i always got what i want
When i was little, i didn't ever get the big problem
When i was little, i didn't ever feel despression.
When i was little, i just knew the life is easy. and now i know that the life is hard and i should face it & through it. keep smile for everyone and stay strong to face the reality. i wish i could be stronger.

Seandainya saja dari kecil gue bakal bisa mencegah untuk tidak tumbuh besar. eh tapi itu sangat mustahil. ga ada yg bisa cegah. terus kalo saja gue gede gini dari kecil sudah tau apa yg gue hadapi. gue bakal ga mau tumbuh besar.  okay, that's all enough for me. see you and wait for the next post :D

Big Hug & Kisses

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Three simple words that never sounded so sweet . Something most children are never able to experience, but it is, without a doubt, God’s finest example of TRUE love; a mother’s love for her children. Mothers sometimes may be annoying or may nag at you for the smallest things. She may yell ar you, or not even speak to you; she will make you cry with her words, or cry with you because of your words.. no matter the situation you and she may be in, a relationship with your mom is something that most people, 

i believe, take for granted. Being able to hear just three simple words come from her mouth can make everything feel better. I know my mom loves me, it is shown physically through her actions, but hearing her verbally express it through her words is very rare. Mom i know you may never see this, but i do love you mom. I know sometimes you may give me a hard time, and i may reciprocate the feeling, but i know it is your way of showing me that you care. I do appreciate the little things you, and i am blessed to have you as my mom. I would not want to have any other woman as mother other than you.
I love you mom.

With Love, Raisa

Bad dream i ever had


I had bad dream last night. i dreamed my mother has gone. i've been fighting with my mother. we disscused about something and i can't accept it my mother couldn't understand me and appreciate my opinion. when i woke up from my sleep. i cried, i couldn't imagine if my mother really leave me, daddy, my sis and bro. i asked with my friends "what does it mean if i'm dreaming my mother gone?" and then she answers "it means your mother will get longlife" ratna said. "really?" i said. "yes" she said. i was happy when i heard that. is that true? but believe or not, idk that's true or not. but i'm not too much believe what she said.

i'm thinking about my mother when i'm at school. if she really leave me. how does it feel? could i accept that? could i live without her? i'm really sorry for what i've said for her. i know, i made her hurt. i do regret it now. i should understant her first. i should do what she wants and i should hear what she says. God, pls protect her wherever she is. pls tell her how much i love her and i'm regret for what i did.

She's everything to me. God sents her for me. she's angel from heaven. i'm still remembering when i was little kid. i cried in the park and she says to me "don't cry baby, i'm here. do you want the candy? if you want pls stop to crying" and then i stop to crying and she gives the my favorite snack to me. yeah it's candy! i love candy so much. i always cry if i remember that memory. mother, pls forgive me. i promise i will always listen what you say. i promise. i won't ever break my promise anymore. you should know that mom, I love you :')

Big Hug & Kisses

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Iedul Adha 1432

I just wanna say today


I celebrate it today. RIP MBEK AND SAPI. semoga tenang ya di alam sana wkwk. gue idul adha tahun yg lalu ngeliat sapi dan kambing di sembelih. tahun ini nggak, dikarenakan gue trauma. kasian bgt si mbek sama si sapi disembelih. biarkanlah mereka tetap hidup dan memakan rerumputan hijau. tapi sayangnya para manusia tak ingin selalu memakan sayuran, oleh karena itu kalian harus disembelih. maafkan kami sapi dan mbek. i'll miss you mbek and pi. jan lupa baik2 ya disana ._.

Di hari Idul Adha, pagi-pagi kepala gue pusingnya ga tertahankan. mungkin gara-gara capek kemarin. gatau juga deh yg pasti gue skrg udah mendingan. gue hari ini terlalu banyak makan deh. ga inget berapa piring gue makan. sampai gue kekenyangan, emang tolol haha. Oke, that's all enough. i wish i would meet Iedul Adha next year :)

Big Hug & Kisses