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Friday, July 29, 2011

New friendship, new class and new school


Looooong time no post here! i'm so busy for school and my life haha. okaay saya sok sibuk, ga sibuk amat sih. but i get so many homework from my teachers. oh God, numpuk deh tuh PR haha. okaay gue seneng banget punya temen baru yang asik-asik dan gokil. oke ini foto-foto kita. padahal baru aja kenal udah akrab lho

 mahmud & ovin

 Yeah para cowok-cowok

 Bagus & chairman (fahmi)


 Retno, Endah & Indri

 Me, Ovin & Susy

 Erika, Me & Ovin

 Me with putih abu-abu :D

 Ovin Qonita Allyn (si gipo)

 Me with my chairmate (endah)

 Ike, ovin, me & endah

 dewi, siti, retno,endah,ovin,ike & indri

 Ainun,alfina,dewi, indri, endah ike, erika, me and ovin

siti,ainun,alfina,dewi,indri,endah,retno,ike,susi,erika & ovin

Oh iya, gue masuk kelas XE. kelas paling gokil laah menurut gue. apalagi si mahmud haha, dia paling gokil di kelas. and the last time to say goodbye! byee :D
Big hug & Kisses


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