Hello Fellas! This is My Journal Blog. Wdyt? i just write what i want, what i think, and what i feel. don't be spamming and copycaat! thnks!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

We called it GOKIL


Gue kemarin iseng-iseng main-main ijab kabulan. nah gue jadi mempelai wanitanya sedangkan nando jadi mempelai prianyaa. sumpah gue ketawa sendiri. kita berdua cuma iseng doang, pengen cari hiburan. eh kenapa gue punya ide kenapa ga bikin video sama foto-foto ijab kabul. ya sih, bisa dibilang mimpi gue sama nando itu pengen nikah berdua HAHA apa deh it's just our dream. so, i wish our dream will come true. Haha kebelet nikaah, ga juga sih cuma iseng. Terus tau ga? cincinnya dari tisyu haha, kita ikat gitu terus jadi lingkaran deh.

and this is the video, let's watch this

Haha I hope you'll laugh when you're watching this video. selamat terhibur :D

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