Hello Fellas! This is My Journal Blog. Wdyt? i just write what i want, what i think, and what i feel. don't be spamming and copycaat! thnks!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My favorite Cartoon Characters


Gue suka bgt sama kartun. karena semua menurut gue tokoh kartun tuh pada lucu-lucu. ya semua orang pasti pada suka sama kartun. dari anak bayi sampai kakek-kakek atau nenek-nenek.

Oh iya, langsung aja ya. let's cekidooot

Mickey Mouse & Minnie mouse! 
Since i was little, i really love them. because they're so cute. but minnie mouse is the cutest one. 

Winnie The Pooh!
Look! my sweetheart seems like winnie the pooh haha. Winnie the pooh is so cute too.

Garu & Pucca

I always watch the Pucca series on disney channel. they're sweet couple. yeah even though Garu always ignores the pucca. but actually garu loves her so much.

Gue tiap hari nonton kartun terus hehe. channel tv kartun terus. gue paling suka nonton disney channel, cartoon network dan yg lebih malu nih gue nonton channel disney junior. sadar umur sa, sudah gede ngapain nonton channel disney junior. tapi gpplah yg penting gue suka! okaay time to say goodbye, see you and wait the next post!

Big Hug & Kisses

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