gue pengen menggalau doloee, pasti tahu siapa deh haha. awkay gue mulai,

cowok itu yang melindungi gue
cowok itu yang menghibur gue
cowok itu yang menjaga gue
cowok itu yang menarik dimata gue
cowok itu yang menjaga perasaan gue
cowok itu yang merasa gue sempurna dimatanya
cowok itu yang mencintai gue
cowok itu yang menyayangi gue
cowok itu yang selalu bikin gue tersenyum
cowok itu yang kadang-kadang ngebuat gue nangis karena kangen
cowok itu yang ga pernah nyakittin perasaan gue
gue emang salah ya, gue udah nyakittin perasaan lo. gue udah bikin lo cemburu sampai ngancangin gue, gue emang suka nyemburuin lo. tapi, gue ga suka dibuat cemburu sama lo. apalagi mantan lo itu pada masih sayang sama lo, tapi kenapa lo lebih memilih gue? apa gue sempurna? emang lo mengira kalo gue sempurna. tetapi sebenarnya emang manusia ga ada yang sempurna.
dear, you can hide your feel. but, i know how about what you feel. so, please tell me why are you? you hurt because of me? ok i'm sorry. i've made you hurt! so, please tell me why? you know i adore you, i love you more than you know, i love you more than my self, i love you more than anything
so, if i've made you hurt. please forgive me!. i'm sorry i can't be perfect for you, because nobody's perfect in the world. and i try to be the best for you, i always try it. and please don't leave me alone. if i've made you hurt please tell me awkay. you never make me dissapointed. i always happy if i meet with you somewhere
your smile is make me smile too. your eyes look at me, i'm look at you too. ah i miss our memories when you hold my hand. when you hug me, hold me tight. and i don't want you to leave me alone. how much i miss you, how much i love you, how much i need you. so i wish you know how i feel. aaa please tell me why?
Why is that sad look in your eyes? Why are you crying, tell me now, tell me now. tell me why your feeling this way. i hate to see you so down oh baby. is it your heart. Oh breaking all in pieces. Making you cry, Making you feel blue. is there anything that i can do
Why don't you tell me where it hurts now, baby . and i'll do my best to make it better . yes, i'll do my best to make those tears all go away . just tell me where it hurts . now, tell me And I love you with a love so tender . Oh and if you let me stay . i'll love all of the hurt away
ok and the last, udah dulu menggalau. gue harap lo bakal ngerti perasaan gue ya, maaf ya kalo gue udah bikin lo sakit gara-gara gue yang selalu bikin lo cemburu. gue sayang kok sama lo, ga mungkin gue ga sayang sama lo. apa lo perlu bukti? ok gue kasih bukti. apa perhatian gue sama lo kurang? apa lo bilang gue cewek yang sibuk? apa lo bilang gue cewek yang dimata lo ini egois? ok gue mau berubah kalo lo menganggap seperti itu
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