Hello Fellas! This is My Journal Blog. Wdyt? i just write what i want, what i think, and what i feel. don't be spamming and copycaat! thnks!

Count Hits
Petsmart Pet Store

Monday, March 21, 2011

Quotes of the day

Quotes for today: 

"Forget your past, and don't regret your past. you must think about your future. it's more important than you think your past. because it will be makes waste your time

rite? so, you must forget your past. i'm sure your future will be better than your past! God plans the best, and God always besides you and God hears your pray! 

I will try to go away from you again


Gue emosi, kenapa diri gue ini ga pernah bisa ngejauhin orang yg sebenarnya udah sakittin gue. gue mungkin masih sayang sama si doi. gue masih bertahan, tapi dia ga pernah tau. karena gue selalu menyembunyikan perasaan gue sendiri. dan nanti tiba ada waktunya, gue bakal mengungkapkan perasaan gue. tapi bukan berarti gue bakal balikkan sama si doi. gue cuma pengen dia sekedar tahu dan berpikir saja. gue tahu, gue punya kesalahan di masa lalu saat sama si doi. gue pengen minta maaf, dan lalu gue akan berusaha mencoba menjauh dari si doi. gue juga bakal menjelaskan alasan kenapa gue ngejauhi si doi. 

Dia selalu ngeberi gue harapan kosong atau harapan palsu, yg bikin gue masih berharap sama dia. gue udah capek ga bisa lagi disakittin seperti ini. gue kecewa sama dia, gue janji bakal nyoba buat jauhin dia lagi. gue remove dia dari friends fb gue. gue udah terlalu sakit lihat fbnya.okay, i realize i'm not the best for you. and i'll go away from you. i'll let you go. don't worry, i'll be fine. i'm jealous so much when i hear you've got a new gf. it really sucks, it really hurts. no matter what i feel, i really go away from you. ini ga akan gagal lagi. gue janji!

So, don't worry. i'll forget you and i won't be hope for you anymore. i wish you'll be happy with her ya. you should know that i'll get a new boyfriend who can makes me happy and i'm sure he won't make me hurt like you hurt me. i won't be wait for you! 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Quote of the day

"Wherever you go, Whatever you do. I will be right here waiting for you"
Richard Marx

You are the best thing that has ever be mine

Dear Guy I love,

My life was a mess before. I thought that I ain’t good enough for everyone when I had my heart broken for so many times. I thought that i’m better off alone. But then you came into my life and taught me how to grow, and love myself. You are the best thing that has ever been mine.And I won’t let anyone else take you away from me.

If that’s meant to happen, I’ll do my best not to let fate destroy what we have started, for all the memories that we have shared are moments worth remembering. Thank you for giving a space in your heart and for understanding the real me. I know i’m not perfect, I’m not that sexy, I’m not that pretty, but you saw me behind those physical appearances and looked beyond what is hidden.

You made me feel like a princess, and because of that, I want to make you feel like a prince and also in return, let me tell you that I won’t ever trade you for anything.

I love you. And i’m hoping that I can share my life with you longer.

Thursday, March 17, 2011



Uhu i miss ma blog so much. long time no post here since i faced UAS. oh my God, i don't know why i'm worrying i'm afraid if i get a bad result. pray for me! HAHA for what?

6 lessons, i learned to UAS
  1. PKN (Pendidikan Kewarnegaraan)
  2. PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam)
  3. IPS (Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam)
  4. TIK (Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi)
  5. SB (Seni Budaya)
  6. BAR (Bahasa Arab
I think UAN will be harder than UAS. because, there're 2 lesson makes me HATE for study yeah Physic and Mathematic. hmmm i really don't sure if i'll get good result. okaay, wish me luck! love you all :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wish me luck to face National Exam


how are you all? miss me rite? okay gue sekarang lagi masa-masa perjuangannya untuk menghadapi UN & UAS tahun ini. gue lagi siap-siap dan belajar buat bekal di UN dan UAS nanti. doakan ya guys semoga gue bisa lulus, dapat nem yg memuaskan dan masuk SMA impian gue.
SMA impian gue banyak sih. salah satu sekolah SMA favorit gue, SMANSA, SMANDA, dan SMKN 1. mustahil gue masuk SMANSA, apalagi SMKN 1. pokoknya, doain aja semoga dari salah satu sekolah yg gue impiin ada. doain aja ya!

Banyak yang gue pikirin, dari mulai sekolah, keluarga, masalah, dan sebagainya. gue cuma bisa bilang, ini tahap pendewasaan diri. gue juga udah biasa menghadapi ini.

National Examination will be held at 23 april - 26 april 2010. i'm nor ready to face it!

ya, seharusnya gue ga banyak pikiran menjelang UN ini. cuma ya gimana ya, susah bgt buat ga dipikirin. oh ya, gue sekarang. cuma bisa usaha & berdoa, semoga Tuhan ngerencanain yang indah buat gue. dan semoga gue LULUS dengan nem yg memuaskan biar gue bisa masuk SMA favorit gue. gue cuma pengen terima kasih buat sebelumnya. gue mungkin 1 minggu kedepan gue bakal fokus buat UAS. karena tahun ini UAS duluan, UN belakangan. perubahan juga drastis guys, ga ada pengulangan seperti Tahun kemarin. 40% diambil dari UAS lho guys. 60% kayaknya dari UN. doain aja semoga nilai UN gue bagus. udah di prediksikan nilai TO kemarin hancur semua. rasanya pengen nangis, keterlaluan bgt gue. nilai gue hancur, terus anjlok. rasanya pengen gue ngerubah, tapi kadang banyak godaan

Gue sekarang, serius pengen fokus ke UN. pengen bisa dapat nilai yg baik. ga di omelin sama pak hasan karena nilai gue yg anjlok. gue pengen kayak dulu lagi, rajin lah haha. udah ya. waktunya out :)