Hello Fellas! This is My Journal Blog. Wdyt? i just write what i want, what i think, and what i feel. don't be spamming and copycaat! thnks!

Count Hits
Petsmart Pet Store

Wednesday, August 24, 2011




I really love lifehouse, i love lifehouse's song! lagunya rock rock galau gimana gitu, pas bgt sama gue. gue tau lifehouse gara-gara iseng baca liriknya lifehouse di tumblr. dan gue coba deh download lagunya yang you and me dan broken, lagu broken pas bgt buat gue yang lagi patah hati :(. lagunya lifehouse sesuai bgt sama selera musik gue. and i'm listening lifehouse's song right now. I always feel galau everydaaay. why there's no galau medicine in the world? ha udah ga penting amat. okaayy byee muach :3

Big hug & kisses

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